


My name is Elena Zaslavskaya, I am an Executive Director of the Zionist Federation of Ukraine. I am very sorry that Ira will no longer deal with all our affairs, since she decided to focus on her studies.jbkjbkjbkjbk

Despite the fact that I and you still do not know each other personally, I hope that we will build a warm relationship. It is a pity that quarantine interfered with our meeting at the conference. At the moment we are holding some parts of the conference online. But I am sure that after all these difficulties end (and, of course, it will end :)), we will meet in Kiev.

Besides, I want to invite you to our online studio, which we invented specifically for communication during the quarantine. There we provide some of the conference presentations, as well as other events. The studio calls LIMONAD.

I would be glad to answer any questions you may have.
A blessed Shabbat haGadol
