До Дня пам'яті жертв Голокосту та Дня героїзму! Розширюємо знання з теми

This year's Holocaust Memorial and Heroism Day - Yom HaShoah v'HaGevurah, is observed on Thursday, May 2nd.

This day of remembrance presents an opportunity to bring the vital resistance of the Jewish partisans to your students as the world remembers those who experienced the Holocaust and honors their lives and their courage. JPEF recommends these resources:

Familiarize students with the resistance of the Jewish partisans with:

Engage students in a more in-depth exploration of Jewish partisan life, focussing on history, leadership, ethics, and values with:

  • Ethics of War: The ethics of war are confusing. Examine concepts of resistance, revenge, and ethics with critical thinking questions and an engaging short play.
  • Teaching with Defiance: Use the film Defiance — starring Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber, to inspire your students with the true story of the Bielski brothers, who saved 1,200 lives and organized the largest Jewish resistance unit (pictured above) during World War II.
  • Tactics of Resistance: Expand your students' thinking about the spectrum of possible responses to genocide and other forms of aggression from non-violent to armed resistance.

These days of remembrance teach about loss, and also emphasize an important message of hope; showing us that nearly everyone who could resist, did. As Jewish partisan Sonia Orbuch (z''l) asserted, “People were fighting back every which way they could."

Thank you for your work bringing the important lessons of the Jewish partisans to your students, and for continuing to improve the world by teaching tomorrow's leaders that resistance to antisemitism and all forms of oppression is always possible.

Most sincerely,

Sheri Rosenblum
Director of Development and Outreach